Anxiety, Panic attacks, Trauma, PTSD, EMDR therapy in West Des Moines, IA

3 tips for coping with anxiety caused by things out of your control

3 Tips for Coping with Anxiety Caused By Things Out of Your Control

People struggle with anxiety for many reasons. However, the underlying “cause” is often very similar—anxiety stems from a fear of the unknown. When your thoughts start to race and that fear builds, it’s usually over things you can’t control.

When you stop to think about everything in life that is out of your control, it can be completely overwhelming and make your fear even worse.

Thankfully, you don’t have to let those anxious thoughts completely take over. If you’re struggling with anxiety caused by things out of your control, try some of the following tips to calm your racing mind and let go of some of that fear.

1. Understand Your Fears and Triggers

One of the best things you can do to feel more in control of any situation is to recognize what’s actually contributing to your anxiety.

Far too many people try to push their emotions down or appear stronger than they actually are by ignoring the problem. But emotions always demand to be felt. Sooner or later, your anxiety will rear its ugly head and might be even worse than before.

When you choose to identify and understand your fears, they often become less overwhelming. What has you so anxious? Why are you fearful at that moment? What’s triggering you? By stopping to recognize those things, you’ll strip away some of their power.

2. Focus On What You Can Control

There are always going to be situations in life that you can’t do anything about. However, there are more things you can control than you likely realize, too.

Even if the things you can control seem small, shift your focus there. It can provide a sense of comfort and take away from the overwhelming feeling that everything is out of your control. For example, you might not be able to control having to meet new people at a work function. But you’re in control of how you prepare, how you present yourself, and how long you stay at that function.

If you tend to feel overwhelmed by any new or unfamiliar situation, consider jotting down a quick list of everything in your control. Not only will the action distract you from your fear, but it will remind you that you have more power than you might think.

3. Be More Mindful

Mindfulness has turned into a bit of a buzzword in recent years. However, that hasn’t taken away how important and effective it is. It’s an especially helpful practice when you’re trying to deal with anxiety.

First, mindfulness can help you find your way out of an anxious or exceedingly stressful moment. By using it effectively, you’ll remain focused on the present, and won’t spend so much time worrying about the past or fretting about the future.

That same practice can also help you cope with anxiety caused by things out of your control. When you’re starting to feel anxious, stop what you’re doing and close your eyes for a few minutes. Focus on taking deep, meaningful breaths. Recognize how your body feels in that moment, and take in your surroundings.

You might be surprised by how quickly mindfulness helps you to “let go” of those fears. That doesn’t mean the thoughts won’t try to come in. However, when you’re being mindful, you won’t let them linger and cause disruption.

These tips can help you manage your anxiety symptoms and overcome the fear caused by things out of your control. However, if you’re still struggling, don’t feel like you have to deal with this on your own. Feel free to reach out for more information or to set up an appointment.

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