Sex Therapy

What is Sex Therapy?

A couple lay in bed with their feet hanging out from under the covers. Sexual health counseling in West Des Moines, IA can offer support with your relationsihp. Learn more about how a sexual health counselor can offer support with sexual therapy online in Iowa and other services today! 50266Sex Therapy is also known as Sexual Health Counseling. Talking about sex and  sexual health problems can be even harder. Even so, sex is part of life, and it is common for many people to have questions about their sexual health. But, many excellent doctors and therapists can’t ask about our sexual health. Sadly, they may lack training in this field. That is when a specialized, AASECT certified sex counselor can help. Sexual health counseling has offered support for countless couples!

An AASECT Certified Sex Therapist can help with your questions.

To become certified, I had to go through extensive training (2-3 years). During this time, the training focused on human sexual issues and continuing clinical supervision by an expert AASECT Supervisor. As a certified sexual health counselor, I’m trained to offer compassionate, sex-positive, non-judgmental support. In addition, I also provide research-based information to couples and individuals from all backgrounds. Clients with a spiritual or religious background will have that honored as well. Everyone is welcome!

Sex Therapy can be effective for everyone, regardless of their background and preferences.

At first, I will listen to the client’s questions and concerns. Then, my approach focuses on educating clients on how the human body works. This also includes education on developing realistic sexual expectations. And, how to communicate about sex with their loved ones. The goal is to help client feels better about themselves and have a more functional sexual life. Between sessions, there will be homework (readings and exercises) for the client (s) to do at home. 

Sex counseling tends to be short (3-6 months). This depends on the concerns to be addressed and on the couple’s commitment to the work. In some cases, such as past trauma, sexual health counseling may take longer. Plus, it may involve other health care professionals.

Common questions people bring to a certified sex therapist include:

Sexual Desire

A couple standing on the beach make a heart shape with their hands. This could represent how sexual health counseling in West Des Moines, IA can offer support for couples everywhere! Learn more about sex counseling in West Des Moines, IA by contacting a sexual health counselor today! 50266This is the most common issue brought to sexual health counseling. Desire can have highs and lows throughout life. It is affected by stress, disagreements, the birth of children, aging, and other factors. But, desire also varies from person to person, depending on their personality and physiology. Not everyone needs to feel a high sexual desire to have a fulfilling life.

Women’s Sexual Health

These include sexual pain, difficulties with desire and orgasm, performance anxiety, menopause, and more.

Men’s Sexual Health

These include difficulties with desire and orgasm, performance anxiety, erectile dysfunctions, out-of-control sexual behaviors (porn), and more.

Sex, Aging, and Chronic Conditions

As we age, our bodies and minds change. As a result, these changes have natural impacts on all our physiological functions, including sex. We are also more likely to be diagnosed with chronic conditions. These may include diabetes, cardiac problems, disabilities, cancer etc. All these changes can impact all our physiological functions, including our sex life.

Hopefully, despite the fact that all of us go through some of these sexual issues, most of them are treatable!

If you want an answer to your questions, feel free to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!

A close up of a couple holding each other's hands for Relationship and Intimacy Center. Contact a sexual health counselor in West Des Moines, IA to learn more about how sexual therapy online in Iowa can support you from home! 50266

Begin Sexual Health Counseling 

Your relationship doesn’t have to suffer because of sexual concerns. Our caring therapists would be honored to support you in rekindling that flame. We are happy to offer support from our West Des Moines, IA-based counseling practice. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
  1. Contact us online, either to ask a question or set an appointment. 
  2. Start sex therapy, and gain peace of mind!