Bringing baby home

Is baby impacting your relationship with your partner?

Are you planning to get pregnant and dreaming about growing your family?
Or are you already pregnant and wondering what life will be when your little bundle of joy arrives?
Or have you had a baby recently, brought s/he home, and noticed how different your life has become? You even do not enjoy sex anymore.

Life is funny. Sex leads to baby, but baby leads to less or no sex!! What a deal. We are not trained on how to deal with baby when we bring s/he home. It is both a blessing and a surprise. We can feel happy and at the same time frustrated. How could such a little thing be so time-consuming? Was it supposed to be this way? Am I a bad parent or what?

Sign up for the online workshop on Bringing Baby Home!

Let me bring you some peace. Yes, a new baby brings a mix of happiness and frustration. And no, we do not know how to deal with this new reality. And better, we can all learn to do it effectively. The 4- hour online workshop Bringing Baby Home teaches the ABCs of caring for your baby while continuing to nurture your relationship with your partner. Couples are amazed with the results.

Learn more about this workshop.