Sex education

Do you know how the human body works?

We know more about our car and smart phone than about our body or our partner’s body!! Our body is our greatest asset in life, and still we do not completely understand what is going on with it.  We tend to feel embarrassed about our body because we are clueless about it.  Knowledge is power!

Debunk the myths about sex.

Most of us learned about sex from the myths that the media and society created. These myths are unrealistic and confusing, and negatively impact our relationships and how we see pleasure in life.

Examples of such myths are: If we really love each other, sex and communication will be a breeze. Sex is all about intercourse. Couples need to climax at the same time. Partners who are in love have sexual desire. Most long-term relationships are sexless…

Well, I got news for you. Learn more about how to get rid of these myths so that they do not control your life. Instead, get informed about what research has found out about great intimate relationships!